Church Services Cancelled for 2/15/15!

Hey Folks, After discussing with the entire board this morning, we have decided to cancel services for tomorrow. The weather channel is calling for wind chill temperatures that we might not have seen in a decade or more. With 5 inches of new snow on top of the ice at the church, and 25 mph winds, we think that it is most prudent for our folks to stay home tomorrow. We have people travel to our church from as far as 45 miles from several directions. We have families with babies and elderly that would brave the weather if asked to and for that reason we don’t want to putĀ  people at risk when there is an alternative. We as a board are encouraging all of you to see this as an occasion to have ‘family worship’. Lead your families in reading of the scriptures, singing of songs and prayer. Needless to say, this is as Biblical as the commandment not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together. The weather is not a ‘problem’ but an ‘opportunity’ to worship as families. In fact, I would love to hear of any special experiences tomorrow. So email if you want. See you at Refresh on Wednesday. God’s blessings upon you all. Soli deo gloria